Treating Alzheimer’s and its symptoms using CBD Oil

In this article, we have discussed how using CBD can help in treating symptoms of Alzheimer’s & Other Dementia.

As a popular claim, CBD or Cannabidiol is largely successful in treating several medical conditions and alleviating the symptoms of other diseases. CBD finds its use for reducing the symptoms of chronic diseases including different types of cancer such as pancreas, breast, skin, and brain. It can even reduce the severity of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and cure the aggravation of epilepsy, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and other medical disorders.

CBD is also a potential cure for pain and inflammation and can also treat nauseous feelings. To treat such conditions, different CBD products like pain relief sprays, pain relief roll-ons, pain relief creams, and pain relief oils, can play a pivotal role. However, the range of medical conditions that CBD can treat is not just these. CBD can effectively treat medical conditions like Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. If you’re curious to know how CBD can help in treating symptoms of Alzheimer’s & Other Dementia, keep reading below.

What is dementia?

Before knowing how CBD can help reduce the symptoms of dementia, it's crucial to understand dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term that collectively refers to different neurodegenerative disorders. These can be memory loss, loss of motor functions, failure to solve problems, and others. As you know, the most common dementia known to people is Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a medical condition where the patient’s brain cells start degrading rapidly. Such destruction leads to other symptoms like memory loss, reduction in cognitive thinking, reduction in the ability to solve problems. Unable to think critically and experiencing the feeling of confusion and spaced out are other symptoms of the medical condition.

Also Read: CBD Oil for Dogs

Symptoms of Alzheimer's and other dementia

While there can be numerous side effects that patients can experience when affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementia, let’s take a look at the most common ones.

  • Memory loss disrupting the daily routine
  • Unanticipated memory loss and gaps
  • The inability to identify objects and give them a name
  • Confused in carrying out the daily activities
  • Difficulty in planning, and understanding things
  • Sudden change in person’s personality
  • Sudden changes in the mood of the person
  • Unwilling to talk to people or visit crowded places
  • Reduction in the sense of judgment
  • Unable to remember the placements of things
  • Unable to identify family members and friends
  • Inability to utter certain words
  • Unable to remember how they read or write things
  • Not remembering their whereabouts
  • Loss of coordination and balance

As you can see, the daily life of Alzheimer’s patients and the ones suffering from other types of dementia is very tough and challenging. Sadly, the condition doesn’t just affect the patient but also their family members. Thankfully, CBD and its products can alleviate the symptoms of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Also Read: Benefits of CBD Oil

Why is CBD effective in relieving symptoms of dementia?

Several studies have shown that most dementia gets worse when one of the other underlying problems restricts oxygen supply to the brain cells. To make this even worse, pain and inflammation of the brain cells follow as an aftermath. The symptoms aggravate dementia.

Let’s take the case of Vascular Dementia. In this medical condition, cognitive disabilities in the patient are a common sight owing to reduced blood flow to the brain cells. To redirect the blood flow to the brain cells, doctors try to activate CB2 receptors in the brain. CB2 receptors are an abbreviation of Cannabidiol2 receptors. To activate these receptors, doctors introduce CBD into the bloodstream of the person. An increase in the amount of blood flow to the brain plays a great role in preventing more damage to brain cells thus slowing the progression of this grave disease.

Similarly, other common symptoms like pain and inflammation of the brain cells are also treated using CBD oil for pain. With a significant reduction in the inflammation of the brain cells, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are considered less severe. This magical relief is caused due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD.

Recently, some studies have claimed that Parkinson’s disease can be worsened due to digestive imbalance. Thankfully, introducing CBD products in daily life can prevent the feeling of nausea. These CBD-derived products are also known to maintain the appetite of patients. Thus, CBD can offer a helping hand in treating curing the digesting imbalance of the patients, especially those suffering from Parkinson’s.

Watch this to know more about CBD Oil Benefits.


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